About Us

About Us

👋 Welcome to our family investments website! I am Dr. Alex Koh, an 🚀 engineer by profession, and a 💰 passionate investor by choice. With a strong analytical background and a keen interest in the financial markets, I embarked on a journey of financial independence that I am eager to share with you.
"In the world of investing, patience is more than just a virtue; it's the cornerstone of sustainable wealth. Like a well-crafted machine, a good portfolio needs time to deliver its full potential."
🕶️ My investment journey was sparked by a realization familiar to many: the savings from a 9-5 job simply weren't enough in today's economy. Faced with rising inflation and escalating living costs, I knew that relying solely on a professional salary was unsustainable for maintaining a family's lifestyle.
It all started modestly, with just $500. Those first six months were a period of learning and cautious exploration. But as my understanding of the investment landscape deepened, so did my confidence. This initial foray into investing gradually evolved, and over a decade, it astonishingly grew into a seven-figure portfolio.
This journey wasn't without its challenges. There were highs and lows, each phase teaching me invaluable lessons. The most profound insights often came during the toughest times, forging resilience and a deeper understanding of the market's intricacies.
I'm committed to sharing these lessons because I remember a time when such knowledge wasn't readily accessible. In the early days of my investing journey, valuable information was scarce. Now, I aim to bridge that gap for others, offering guidance and insights gleaned from years of firsthand experience.
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📸 I founded BuyTrigger.io and Family.Investments with a singular vision: to champion Systematic Investing. The purpose behind each platform is distinct yet complementary.
Family Investments serves as a dynamic blog journal, where I share updated stories and ideas, offering a narrative-driven exploration of the investment world. It's where personal experiences and insights come to life, providing readers with relatable and actionable content.
BuyTrigger.io, on the other hand, is the data-driven counterpart. Here, I apply an engineered mindset to curate in-depth, data-heavy information. This platform is designed for those who seek a more analytical approach to investing, offering detailed analyses and research-driven insights.
Both platforms are extensions of my commitment to democratizing investment knowledge. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, my goal is to provide you with the tools and information you need to navigate your financial journey. 'Own the Information' is more than just a motto; it's a pathway to empowering you to build and shape your own investment story.
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🌊 Thank you for reading and joining me on my journey.
"The principles of engineering and investing are more similar than they appear. Both require a deep understanding of internal mechanisms, precise calculations, and the courage to make bold decisions when all variables align."